Zend framework is an open-source, object oriented web-application framework implemented in PHP5. It requires PHP 5.2.4 or later since version 1.7.0 and Zend framework 2.0 will require PHP 5.3.3. To do unit testing PHPUnit 3.0 or later is necessary.
Here I'm sharing some of the most effective video tutorial for zend framework.
Zend video tutorial for beginner
This video tutorial series is for absolute beginner. You will learn what zend is, how popular it is, why someone will use zend. Then you get a clear knowledge about how to set up developing environment for zend, how to work with view, model and controller in zend. To learn all this go here.
Zend video tutorial from Zendcasts
This video tutorial is from ZendCasts. ZendCasts naturally release one video tutorial at each week. Only the first 10 videos are here.